how to check girlfriend call history with this trick
hello friends welcome back to ringtones adda channel we show how to check your girlfriend call history and other persons call history how to check girlfriend call history with this trick.
how to check girlfriend call history with this trick :
- Most of us friends are wondering what photos and videos are there in their mobile and also what are the contacts in their mobile.
- There is a need to know who to talk to when and why, for example, it may be your girlfriend, it may be your boy friend, may be yours child at home.
- no application for this but you can transfer the data from their mobile to your mobile as a backup.
- For this you must have a gmail, to get the data from their mobile back to your mobile guys.
benefits of this girlfriend calls history application :
- so usually all of us will talk with contacts numbers and unknown persons on phone daily.
- That history will shows on our call history detailly but to know others like lover, children’s, boyfriend, or any other peoples.
- we bought the best application to get the call history of anyone’s on your mobile with small settings.
- when done settings on others mobile which about 5 minutes work need to do.
- then literally all the call data and some other from opponent smartphone will receive to your phone.
- not only calls we receive sms too and stored in our cloud friends.
how to install this girlfriend call history application :
- obviously all of us use the playstore application to download different types apps.
- so lets continue with that only when we opened it on main screen we see the search tool at top screen friends.
- when tapping it keyboard comes so type super backup & restore application title and load it now.
- it would loads successfully, its time to check whether this app is exact or not, firstly see developer name is mobile idea studio.
- go for another step is ratings are 4.0 with 14mb of storage will takes on our mobile guys.
- you could assume that application working process by seeing downloads their are 1 Crore above users started using.
- who love this girlfriend call history app members more than one lakh are reviewed about functionalities and features of app.
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girlfriend call history app installation later :
- atlast we have to go head with install option, downloading will takes some time so wait for final.
- when finishing downloading open the app now.
- at starting you look media files, photos permission just allow and continue.
- presently only one permission displayed may be have more chances to show permits.
how to see girlfriend call history :
- on entering app we see an pop with premium member, it see used to remove ads permanently from app and price is about 70 rupees only.
- so present lets tap on cancel and go for working process of app.
- when entered to app home we see many options such as apps, sms, contacts, call logs, calendars, call recorder, pictures, and cloud backup.
- we can restore above all options easily through this girl friend call history application guys.
- from apps feature you could back up your deleted ones and archived.
- to back up our sms you have to allow sms and contacts permission, then backup all removed messages and conversations to cloud or any where.
call history backup process & other features working :
- when we lost our mobile then we face lot of problems may be most of us face those issues.
- mainly our important contacts will lost with mobile but from now you can backup and restore them by this girlfriend call history application.
- press contacts and choose the backup all or restore contacts with phone numbers friends.
- at left upper corner the backed up contacts count will shows.
- if you don’t need all backup files then go head and tap on delete backups that’s it.
girl friend calls history conclusion :
- similarly calendars, logs, and recording options will work and create backup.
- but to restore your pictures you must watch an ad and restore many years back deleted images so easily friends.
- when you done this process on girlfriend or another person mobiles.
- next choose the phone icon option from top which is in green layer.
- then simply share to yours or any smartphone with choosing send option.
- in opponent phone select the receive option, and you may observe the path of storing in our mobile.
- in addition you can also enable wifi hotspot to let others connect you hotspot guys.
how to check girlfriend call history with this trick