how to customize mobile status bar with this settings
from this article you gonna learn new trick to add colors on status bar on your mobile so that mobile looking’s will totally changed, additionally customize in your own way notification panel and get awesome look on your mobile how to customize mobile status bar with this settings.
how to customize mobile status bar with this settings :
- if you have smartphone that to android then Defienetly it has the status bar guys.
- on that bar we able to see battery percentage, sim network strength, time etc.
- when we drag down notification panel all shortcut app tiles will appears, they are light, wifi, internet, hotspot and many.
- while receiving message’s and chats, Mobile notification they shows over their.
- of course they look bore after using more than 6 months or a year.
- but we explain how to customize in own by the help of small app.
- that app has all types of color and options to change the status bar.
benefits of this mobile status bar application :
- after changing mobile status bar colors they appear very attractive and awesome.
- it brings the incredible view on your notification panel guys.
- thus anyone sees they really appreciate and asks you to tell those settings to change status bar.
- in app their will be fifty plus colorful status styles available with addition above 50 attractive frames.
- particularly in app we like the gif status bar feature because by using it apply gifs on status bar for brilliant look.
- overally it has capability to change normal status bar to stylish bar in simple customization friends.
how do we install this application :
- on each android device their will be common app haves which called playstore.
- open it once and one more thing guys check your mobile data is turn on or not.
- because app cant load if not connected with data or wifi.
- after looking that above point now touch on finding tool option.
- it placed on top beside of your gmail profile icon guys.
- keyboard displays, now proceed to enter app name is Customized Color Status Bar, after typing it tap on arrow mark in keyboard bottom right.
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check this important point before installing app :
- now our app and other similar will loads on screen.
- at primary position this app appears please give a tap on it.
- then all the info of application will be shown on next page.
- usually we have to see company or developer name is NextGenSolution.
- on down their will be 3.9 ratings available with 231 reviews.
- 16 mb is the mobile status bar size and 10 thousand above app downloaders having friends.
- if you complete seeing such above things before downloading then blindly you could go with install option.
after downloading next process :
- it might take the few minutes or seconds for installation.
- when downloading overs some mobiles will check the security tests & other normally have open and uninstall buttons.
- but whatever might be go with only open option guys.
- then directly app main interface will be displayed and nothing permits will ask at beginning.
- but on going using it have many chances to access permissions.
mobile status bar working procedure application :
- So friends at home layout of mobile status bar app we can see many varieties of features.
- whenever start using we must and should enable status bar option on it will off on default, it ask to accept display over other apps permission.
- after providing permit come back to app, now let us move on with color status bar option from their we could change colors of status bar background.
- it appears very impressive and awesome on your mobile status bar.
- from gradient status bar option set marvelous gradient effects further you must see ad to apply and ad is also absolutetly free.
- add heart shaped background fame with frames status bar option.
- so obviously like this we can add photo and gif at background of color frame and change entire old look of your smartphone.
conclusion of this mobile status bar application :
- in this method we able to change our phones status bar into different colors adding frames, photos etc.
- when your friends see this look on your mobile they confirmly shocks.
- by following our content know everyday new tricks and tips.
- hope you like this small article and little useful app, if you cant understand any method then let we know on comment box.
- we solve your valuable queries as soon as possible, finally thats all for today thank you for reading bye.
how to customize mobile status bar with this settings